Your support sustains us!

What makes our performances possible is the financial support from people like you. Ticket sales cover only part of our expenses. Because we are a 501(c)(3) corporation, all donations to the BCFW are tax-deductible. Donations may also be given in memory of departed loved ones, and as sponsorships for singers and instrumentalists.

Season Underwriter: $5,000 and over
Sustainer: $1,000 to $4,999
Patron: $250 to $999
Friend: $50 to $249

Program Advertising
The Bach Collegium is able to offer a limited amount of advertising space in its programs, giving you the opportunity to support us while promoting your business or organization.

Inside Pages — Full page ads (7.5″ x 4.5″)
3 Programs: $350
2 Programs: $250
1 Program: $150

Inside Pages—Half page ads (3.75″ x 4.5″)     
3 Programs: $200
2 Programs: $150
1 Program: $100

Inside Pages—Quarter page ads (1.875″ x 4.5″)     
3 Programs: $100
2 Programs: $75
1 Program: $50

Cover—Outside Back full page (7.5″ x 4.5″)
3 Programs: $450
2 Programs: $320
1 Program: $225

Cover—Inside Back full page (7.5″ x 4.5″)     
3 Programs: $400
2 Programs: $275
1 Program: $175

All ads should be sized within the above measurements and e-mailed to [email protected] no later than three weeks before the corresponding concert.